A Conceptual Framework on Knowledge Management Implementation in IT Industry
A Conceptual Framework on Knowledge
Management Implementation in IT Industry
Dr. Mukul Burghate
Head of Department, MBA
Dhanwate National College, Nagpur, India
The abstract should cover the content of the paper. Try to write
the abstract in between 150 words. Do not keep references or In
this twenty-first century, every organization is striving in a highly
dynamic and competitive market. Entrepreneurs are continuously
trying to use various maneuvers with a blend of technology to
gain competitive advantage. However, only using technology
may not help them to a large extent. So they need to discover
some innovative way to survive, using the existing resources to
gain maximum benefit. Knowledge management has been found
to be a better option to achieve competitive advantage. It helps in
improve competencies and taking right decision to reduce or
minimize the errors.
The primary objective of this study is to understand the concept
of Knowledge Management and its practices being adopted in
Indian IT Industry. The study focuses on exploring the factors
influencing the implementation of Knowledge Management and
the factors affecting the satisfaction level of employees of IT
industry by evaluating various models of Knowledge
Management. This study will offer a comprehensive platform for
future Knowledge Management research and provides
managerial implications for IT companies, to better realize its
worth and the possible impediments involved in the processes of
adopting, implementing and innovation in Knowledge
Management. The findings of the study will be useful to
understand and analyze various facets of Knowledge
Management as well as to highlight the importance for the
continuous growth of businesses in India with the help of
exemplifying knowledge management practices conducted in IT
industry of India.
Keywords: Knowledge. Knowledge Management, IT Industry
1. Introduction
Every organization in this twenty-first century is striving
hard in a dynamic and highly competitive market. They
are trying to use various technical methods to achieve
competitive advantage. However, using only technology
will not help them to a much extent. It is required to find
some innovative method or way to sustain and survive,
leveraging existing resources to get maximum benefit of it.
Knowledge Management is one of the interesting area
which can provide competitive advantage such as greater
competencies, decisions making with minimal errors,
innovation, collaboration and knowledge sharing, easier
way to expertise and improve understanding.
Knowledge is a human quality that resides in the thoughts
and feelings of an individual that helps to identify and
interpret one’s thoughts and understanding. Today, every
organization wants to retain and exploit the existing
knowledge by way of controlling and managing it. It
becomes the biggest asset which help corporate to enhance
their sustainability. Knowledge Management refers to
identifying and leveraging the collective knowledge of
each employee in an organization in order to increase its
productivity (Von Krogh, 1998; Alavi & Leidner, 2001).
The objective of knowledge management is to capture
available implicit knowledge in the organization and
convert it to explicit performance, so that employees may
take advantage of it. Such information sharing process
helps organization in making quicker, improved and better
decision. Ultimately, organizations core competencies get
wider, better and stronger throughout the organization by
improvement in organizational learning with the help of
knowledge management. Knowledge Management
basically focus on the use of information technology,
business processes and human resources to develop and
share knowledge within the organization with the intention
of growth and sustenance (Anantatmula, 2005). All the
organizational activities related to knowledge, when
harnessed in a way to create value to the organization is
considered as knowledge management. Hence, knowledgemanagement, when strategically and effectively designed,
facilitates an effective flow of knowledge throughout the
Knowledge Management has been discussed widely in
literature, concerning Indian Organizations, but still it is at
nascent stage in terms of acceptance, adoption, utilization
and innovation. By far and large, in Indian IT industry, it
is comparatively debatable topic with little empirical data.
So, there is a need to conduct a study in order to develop a
theoretical framework for understanding the structure of
effective knowledge Management Practices and to find out
the its existing status.
The primary objective of this study is to understand the
concept of Knowledge Management and its practices being
adopted in Indian IT Industry. The study focuses on
exploring the factors influencing the implementation of
Knowledge Management and the factors affecting the
satisfaction level of employees of IT industry by
evaluating various models of Knowledge Management.
This study will offer a comprehensive platform for future
Knowledge Management research and provides
managerial implications for IT companies, to better realize
its worth and the possible impediments involved in the
processes of adopting, implementing and innovation in
Knowledge Management.
The findings of the study will be useful to understand and
analyze various facets of knowledge management as well
as to highlight the importance for the continuous growth of
IT business in India with the help of exemplifying
knowledge management practices conducted in IT industry
of India.
This document is set in 10-point Times New Roman. If
absolutely necessary, we suggest the use of condensed line
spacing, rather than smaller point sizes. Some technical
formatting software print mathematical formulas in italic
type, with subscripts and superscripts in a slightly smaller
font size. This is considerable.
2. Literature Review
In today’s competitive world many companies struggle to
implement corporate strategies and are not able to respond
to existing markets. To attain competitive advantage in
todays’ dynamic market, companies use knowledge
management. Knowledge management has become an
integral part for all kinds of business as it helps
organizations to improve on cost, quality, service and
response to customer to obtain highest customer
satisfaction. However, the major challenge of managing
knowledge in the companies is capturing and integrating
knowledge to share among all organizational members
(Grant, 1996). Any organization has to gain the ability to
collect, store, and distribute specialized knowledge to
create and sustain competitive advantage (Davenport and
Prusak, 1998; Grant 1996).
As markets and organizations are continuously becoming
global, the traditional knowledge creation and transfer like
face-to-face contact, job rotation, and staff training
program may prove to be too slow and less effective. The
need to develop more efficient way has led to
implementing information systems that are designed
specifically to facilitate coding, combining, and applying
of organizational knowledge (Alavi and Leidner, 1999).
People, processes, and technology are the three main
components of knowledge management and are critical to
build the learning base for organization to get results. Most
of the organizations across the world implemented
knowledge management have found technology and
processes easier to be placed. However, "people"
component has been found to be a major challenge. To
ensure participation of people or employees sharing,
integration and re-use of knowledge is the biggest
challenge to achieve business results. The traditional
mindsets of the people in organization needs to be
changed. It needs to be changed from
"knowledge-hoarding" (to keep hidden or private) to
"knowledge-sharing" (share among team members) and
needs to create an atmosphere of trust between them. A
combined program of motivation, rewards and recognition
and other measurements like re-aligned performance
appraisal can help to achieve it.
Knowledge management is the basic need of corporate to
excel. It’s the ability of an organization to manage
knowledge and its knowledge workers to compete
globally. Earlier, it was thought to be a basic requirement
of any knowledge based industry like consultancy,
software etc. However, today is has become an integral
part of any organization irrespective of type of industry.
Moreover, the organizations that are able to create and
manage a culture of knowledge management will only
manage to survive and achieve growth. Knowledge
management has extended to service industry too, beyond
manufacturing industry. There are not much studies
available in literature focusing service industry, but
rigorous study is required as the service industry is
growing at much faster pace. Thus, it is necessary to
understand the situation and how the service sector
develop and implement knowledge management, as it playan important role to make companies compete
An effort has been done in this study to analyze various
facets of knowledge management as well as to highlight
the role played by the knowledge management system for
the continuous growth of IT business in India with the help
of exemplifying knowledge management practices
conducted in IT Industry of India.
3. About IT Industry of India
Information Technology (IT) industry of India has played
a key role in putting the country on the global map and
acted as a major contributor in the Indian economy. It has
globally changed the image of India from a land of
orthodox beliefs and bureaucracy to a country of
innovation and technology which provides solution and
services to the world. IT industry in India, with the main
focus on increasing technology adoption, and developing
new delivery platforms, accounting for approximately 52
per cent of the US$ 124-130 billion market. Today, IT
industry in India employees more than 10 million people
and continue to grow significantly transforming the
country’s image globally. India’s IT service cost is 2-3
times cheaper than compared to any other geography in the
world which becomes a selling point in global IT service
industry. The IT industry in India grew at a compound
annual growth rate (CAGR) of 25 per cent over
2000-2013, which is 3-4 times higher than the global IT
spend, and is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 9.5 per
cent to US$ 300 billion by 2020.
Indian IT's core competencies and strengths have placed it
on the international canvas, attracting investments from
major countries. The computer software and hardware
sector in India attracted cumulative foreign direct
investment (FDI) inflows worth US$ 13,788.56 million
between April 2000 and December 2014, according to data
released by the Department of Industrial Policy and
Promotion (DIPP, 2015).
India is one of the biggest hubs for IT companies in all
over the world. With global companies looking to make
their way into the Indian IT sector, there are a tremendous
number of Indian IT Companies which have impacted the
industry in a big way. Here is a list of the top 10 IT
companies in India 2014. At bottom of the list the rising
companies like Rolta, Polaris, Mindtree with Revenues
near Rs. 2000 Crores. In the middle there are Oracle
Financials, Mphasis, Tech M, HCL and towards the Top
giants like TCS, Infosys and Wipro.
According to the study conducted by NASSCOM (2014),
amongst the top five IT Companies of India, Tata
Consultancy Services (founded in 1968) headquartered in
Mumbai with a revenue of Rs 47779 Crore stands in first
position; the second is the Infosys with a revenue of Rs
32975 Crore, the third is Wipro with a revenue of Rs
28312 Crore. The fourth is the Tech Mahindra with a
revenue of Rs 11925 Crore founded in 1986 and currently
has it’s headquarter in Mumbai. The fifth is the HCL
Technologies with revenue of Rs 11792 Crore
headquartered in Noida, India.
4. Knowledge Management
Today, all institutions and organizations be it public or
private has implemented knowledge management. Most
importantly, the innovation and new ideas to create
innovative product or processes are majorly driven by
effective knowledge management. Knowledge
management solutions are now the most important
strategic technologies for large companies, according to a
new report and survey of European executives by the
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU.com, 2003). In the
survey, 67% of companies cite knowledge management
solutions as important to achieving their strategic goals. To
operate efficiently and at an optimum cost the companies
and organizations should shorten production cycle time,
operate with limited assets, enhance customer service,
motivate employees, innovate and improve quality of
products. All these can be achieved by leveraging
knowledge management which focus on capture, create,
update, making available, share and reuse of knowledge by
all the stake holders.
Knowledge can be defined as a combination of experience;
values, contextual information and expert insight that help
evaluate and incorporate new experience and information
(Gammelgaard and Ritter, 2000). The documents and
repositories are not the only source of knowledge, but it is
imbibed in the mind of the people over a period of time
and is demonstrated in their work.
Knowledge can be stated as “a fluid mix of framed
experience, values, contextual information, and expert
insight” (Davenport & Prusak, 2000). “Knowledge leads to
superior performance: organizational creativity,
operational effectiveness and quality of products and
services” (Baskerville & Dulipovici, 2006). It is a key
resource that must be managed within organizations andacross collaborative enterprise networks (Cormican &
Dooley, 2007).
Kael Wing invented the word “Knowledge Management”
in the year 1986 at a conference in Switzerland sponsored
by the United Nations Knowledge management is defined
as the “competitive capabilities that an organization uses
to create value in its process, product, and service”
(Martensson, 2000). In early 1990’s, organizations of
business sector realized that competitive advantage over
competitors can be obtained when the knowledge assets
are utilized more effectively and wisely. Harnessing an
organizations knowledge and collective expertise, and
distributing it to the right people at the right time, is very
essential for every organization to achieve success.
The Gartner Group (2005) defines it as a “discipline that
promotes an integrated approach to identifying managing
and sharing of all of an enterprise’s information assets.
These information assets may include database documents,
policies procedures as well as previously unarticulated
expertise and experience resident in individual workers.
Knowledge management issues include developing,
implementing and maintaining the appropriate technical
and organizational infrastructure to enable knowledge
sharing”. Broadbent (1997) defines it as “a form of
expertise management which draws out tacit knowledge,
making it accessible for specific purposes to improve the
Knowledge Management”.
A “knowledge-intensive” organization refers to an
organization where most work is of intellectual in nature
and where well-educated, qualified employees form the
major part of the workforce (Alvesson, 2001). Typical
examples include law firms, accounting firms,
management consulting firms, software engineering
companies, research and development companies, and
other high-tech organizations. Although, NGOs are not
knowledge intensive, a recent article of Capozzi, Lowell,
and Silverman, L. (2003) suggests,
“philanthropic foundations are knowledge-intensive
bodies”. According to this definition, it is evident that
NGOs – which often employ professionals such as
psychologists, counselors, health-care professionals, and
educational specialists – are also knowledge-intensive
One of the key requirements in identifying a
knowledge-intensive organization is its reliance on human
capital and knowledge as being a source of competitive
advantage, where knowledge has more importance than
other inputs such as physical or financial capital (Starbuck,
1992). According to Bontis (1998), a knowledge-intensive
organization utilizes the human capital as a source of
innovation and strategy formulation. Swart (2003) defines
“knowledge-intensive organizations in terms of their
emphasis on the nature and quality of their highly skilled
human capital to create value in work related processes
using knowledge”. Improving services by deploying
knowledge comprising innovative ideas and initiatives
leading to overall competence building. This implies that
employee skills are central to the creation of a competitive
advantage and to the survival of the organization when
market conditions are tough (Swart and Kinnie, 2003).
5. Models of Knowledge Management
Knowledge management framework is a sequence of
activities designed with for specific output. These
activities are put together in a framework to produce
desired result, which should be aligned with organizational
strategies and goals that gives an advantage over and
above the competitors. Chih-Ping (2002) proposed a
framework by integrating three aspects i.e. knowledge
resources, knowledge management activities, and
knowledge influences. The knowledge management
framework is very much required for an organization to
implement knowledge management. It gives guidance and
direction to prevent mistakes and receive benefit regarding
time, cost and effort. Knowledge Management framework
shared by Leonard-Barton in 1995 elaborated about four
pillars of building knowledge activities which are
important for any knowledge-based organization.
However, Wiig (1997) proposed a model with three pillars
representing knowledge creation, use and transfer. Hence,
KM is a framework for designing an organization's very
being, existence and sustenance so that the organization
can use what it knows to learn and to create economic and
social value for its customers and community. Various
models on knowledge management is discussed thorugh
in-depth literature review, which will help to formulate a
comprehensive knowledge management model, which can
be applied on any industry.
5.1 Boisot’s Knowledge Category Model
This model is based on relation between data and
information developed by Boisot in 1987. The information
is extracted from data based on the experience of an
individual. The effectiveness of information largely
depends on codification/language of the same. It should be
understandable by both the sender and the receiver and
also the context in which it has been codified.
Boisoti-space model proposes a 3 dimensional cube with 3
dimensions as Coded & Un coded, Abstract & Concrete
and diffused & undiffused.
Codification comprises of categorized content. The
content is said to be properly codified when there are less
number of categories. The more the content is codified the
more it is conceptual, clear and easy to understand.
Generally, many times the context of important knowledge
is lost during the process of codification. Effectively this
model connects data, information, content and knowledge.
This model is different than other models and links
organizational knowledge and social learning cycle.
However, this is not the widely used and acceptable model
across the industry. Factors considered in this model are
experienced individual, codification, content and
5.2 Nonaka’s Knowledge Management Model
Nonaka’s knowledge management model developed by
Nonaka & Takeuchi in 1995, is based on tacit knowledge
oriented approach. This model believes in oriental culture,
where knowledge is found in groups. It makes knowledge
easy to covert, share and transfer. They felt the necessity
to merge both oriental and western culture in order to get a
mix cultured model. Knowledge creation begins always at
the individual level. Starting from this personal
knowledge, mostly tacit, will leads to organizational
knowledge. The creation of organizational knowledge
represents the amplification of individual knowledge and
its transformation into general applied knowledge. It is
also called as SECI or Spiral or knowledge conversion
The knowledge shared directly thorough social
interactions is called socialization. However, the
knowledge being tacit at this stage which is in simplest
form. This knowledge is generally neither written nor
stored and rather remains in experience. It can be
transmitted easily by normal knowledge exchange.
Once the idea and/or tacit knowledge is exchanged it is
converted to explicit knowledge. This process is called
process of knowledge externalization. The externalized
knowledge become tangible and permanent by content
management application where it can be created, managed,
updated, shared, searched and published in digital format.
The only challenge during this transformation is losing of
information during conversion from tacit to explicit.
During next phase of knowledge conversion from explicit
to explicit is combination. In combination process small
pieces of information obtained as knowledge are stored
systematically in Knowledge management system. The last
stage of knowledge conversion is Internalization i.e. from
explicit to tacit. This conversion is realized by
implementation of explicit knowledge through process of
learning by practice. This relates to extension/integration
of our knowledge and experience and reformulate. The
internalized knowledge is useful to organization when
Knowledge, experiences, best practices, learned lessons
are passed through the conversion process and it becomes
The factors considered in this model are Organization
Intention, Individual Autonomy, Interaction between
organization and external environment, redundant
knowledge and variety of knowledge. Other factors are
Internalization, Individual, Group, and Organization.
5.3 Hedlund and Nonaka’s Knowledge Management
According to this model, the knowledge creation process is
more complex than it was explained in Nonaka’s model.
The approach of this model describes about categorization
of knowledge carriers and the type of knowledge. The
carriers are classified as individual, group, organization
and inter organization where as the type of knowledge is
articulated and tacit knowledge. This is the advancement
of the previous Nonaka’s model where they discuss about
the impact of this factor on the overall organizational
5.5 Skandia Intellectual Capital Model of Knowledge
Knowledge management was not only seen as the transfer
of tacit and explicit knowledge, but it has also been argued
as intellectual capital (Chase, 1997; and Roos and Roos,
1997). Knowledge management is also looked upon as an
intellectual capital. This model considers human as capital
which posses experience, know-how, skill and capability.
Apart from human even structure like network, system,
culture etc and relation with stake holders as part of
intellectual capital. Generally, there is no measurement
model for such capital unlike those of assets that can be
measured and tracked in book of accounting. These are the
intangible capital assets and plays a vital role in providing
competitive advantage to an organization.
5.6 Demerits Knowledge Management Model
Demerest’s knowledge management model focus on
knowledge created socially and then disseminated withinthe organization also socially. Finally, knowledge is used
economically to give organizational result. This model
transfer’s knowledge quiet practically through learning by
action. It covers scientific and social directions in
knowledge base creation. This models benefits both
employee and organization. By the support of employee
and other stakeholders of organization, knowledge
management is associated with the emerging social
paradigm while at the same time contributing to the
current paradigm. Factors considered in this model are
learning, socialization, employee, organization structure.
5.7 Frid’s Knowledge Management Model
According to Frid’s (2003), knowledge management
framework is divided into five phases, where it starts from
knowledge chaotic situation to knowledge centric, asset
based organization. Initially at the beginning, every
organization has no direction of knowledge management.
It starts with knowledge vision and objectives based on
organizational strategies. Post that it moves to a phase of
knowledge awareness by arrives to a road map till the
department level. This makes the organization knowledge
focused and plans for knowledge management
infrastructure, approach, monitoring and reporting. Once
the organization becomes knowledge focused, it starts with
its improvements, performance reviews and measures the
advantage of the same as per business plan. Finally,
organization becomes knowledge centric by
institutionalizing successful initiatives and valuing
intellectual assets.
5.8 Stankosky and Baldanza’s Knowledge
Management Framework
Stankosky and Baldanza (2001) developed a knowledge
management framework which addresses enabling factors
such as learning, culture, leadership, organization and
technology. This framework presents that knowledge
management encompasses a wide range of disciplines that
include cognitive science, communication, individual and
organizational behavior, psychology, finance, economics,
human resource, management, strategic planning, system
thinking, process reengineering, system engineering,
computer technologies and software and library science.
5.9 Applied Model for Knowledge Management
Applied model of knowledge management imply action:
provide insight into developing action plans that result in
the transfer of knowledge among and between employees
and organizations. It is assumed that technology plays a
key role in the processes involved in knowledge
management. A broader view looks at knowledge
management requirements from three perspectives i.e.
Information-based, Technology-based and Culture-based
(Alavi and Leidner, 2001).
5.10 Leavitt's Model of Organizational Change:
Developing A KM Culture
Leavitt’s (1965) model of organizational change
management is also called as Leavitt’s diamond or change
equilibrium model. It is a framework of four organizations
elements namely technology, structure, people and task.
Leavitt’s model suggests that all four elements of diamond
shaped model must be equally balanced and coordinated to
create an effective knowledge management culture.
Hence, the above discussed nine knowledge
management models are widely used and discussed in
literature as far as knowledge management concept and its
implementation is concerned. Therefore, these models are
studied to draw a comprehensive framework of knowledge
management with reference to IT industry.
6. Implementation of Knowledge
According to Hanson, Nohria, and Tjernay (1999),
approaches to Knowledge Management implementation
1. A Codification strategy – Where knowledge is
carefully codified and stored in databases so that it
can be accessed and easily used by anyone in the
2. A Personalization strategy – Where knowledge is
transferred through direct contact by the person who
develops or owns it. The aim of this approach is to
disseminate the knowledge across the organization
rather than to store it.
7. Conceptual Framework
Knowledge and knowledge management is an escalating
interest to both practitioners within organizations and to
researchers. Knowledge management is becoming a core
competence that companies must develop in order to
succeed in tomorrow’s dynamic global economy (Skyrme
and Amidon, 1998). Today not only large corporations andmedium to small scale small business enterprises, but even
the educational institutions leverage the knowledge to
deliver efficiently. The management needs to accept and
understand that value of human knowledge and resources
and put efforts to retain the same.
In order to become competitive enough in today’s IT
market, IT organizations have to reduce cost and
turnaround time of projects maintaining the same quality
of deliverables. So, Knowledge management is equally
important for the IT industry to sustain in the market and
satisfy the customer. The Lessons learnt from the past has
demonstrated that reusing and knowledge sharing between
IT professionals enhances completion of IT projects
successfully and in reduced cost and time and also solves
the problems related to the projects. Many KM models
currently used in the IT industry may not fit in some or the
other situations and cannot be used efficiently and
effectively. This study presents a new Knowledge
Management model that combines many of the recent
research outputs from IT domain and best practices of
other industries. The proposed model presents the essential
Knowledge Management activities and features broken
down into more manageable parts that are easy to
understand and use, which simplifies the understanding of
the sources of knowledge, the inputs and outputs, the flow
of knowledge and the identification of other variables such
as the cultural effects on the organizational knowledge.
1. A review of Knowledge Management literature is
conducted from technical, cultural and management
perspective to understand and review the current
practices of KM in the IT industry.
2. The problems which affect the successful
implementation and it's application are discussed
which helps evaluation of KM existing models and
3. A new KM model proposed will be a strategic and
holistic approach to develop and implement KM in
IT organizations. This can be achieved by capturing
suggestions and ideas of employees related to IT
delivery and operations. This will help IT
organizations to improve their existing systems.
4. To provide a guideline that will not only help
organizations in successful implementation and
application of KM in IT Industry, but also in
identifying KM processes, tools, procedures and
5. To provide recommendations for the future
development of KM implementation and
application at both organizational and industrial
levels within the IT industry.
After extensive study of literature, in order to identify
critical success factors of knowledge management and
according to the previous investigations from 1997 to 2010
within the organizations, five variables were identified for
successful implementation of knowledge management as
mentioned in table 1.
7. Knowledge Management Implementation
The following are basic aspects of model:
1) Compatibility: Knowledge management requires
both a shared language and a good fit with
concepts that already exist in the organization,
such as Total Quality Management or Business
Process Reengineering.
2) Problem Orientation: Knowledge management
apart from being theoretical should also provide
practical solution to the problems and its
3) Comprehensibility. The company must choose
terms and ideas of knowledge management that
are relevant to its success and readily understood
across the company.
4) Action Orientation. Analyses in the field of
knowledge management should enable managers
to evaluate the impact of their instruments on the
organizational knowledge base and should lead to
focused action.
5) Appropriate Instruments. Focused interventions
need proven instruments. The final goal of a
knowledge management concept is to provide a
range of such instruments.
The proposed knowledge management implementation
model suggests a detailed structured procedure for the
knowledge management implementation activities.
8. Conclusion
KM brings together multi-disciplinary practices, and its
implementation requires a systematic approach to
organizational development. Whilst existing literature
acknowledges that KM goes beyond technology, the
organizational mechanisms that make effective KM
happen remain under-researched. By conceptually
developing the KM construct consisting of the five
component factors, this paper conveys an important
message that effective KM implementation requires an
organization systematically develop an technological
environment, but most importantly, promote a culture that
favors knowledge sharing and receptivity as well as
enhance knowledge absorptive capacity. This KM
construct can be used by researchers and company
executives to guide future KM research and practice. The
findings of this study provide several opportunities for
future research. The framework may be used as a stepping
stone for further empirical research on knowledge
management. The construct can be empirically validated in
future research and can be used by the IT companies and
other industries as well, to implement KM.
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