Digital Marketing and its Techniques for Online Businesses
Digital Marketing and its Techniques for Online Businesses
Dr. Mukul Burghate
HOD, MBA Dept, DNC, RTMNU, Nagpur
BE, MBA (PUMBA), SET (Commerce), FIE
Digital marketing is how to present a business case for increasing
your online activities, and the benefits of doing — Sell, Serve,
Speak, Save and Sizzle. Website for a business is a need of an hour
as the marketplace migrates into the electronic marketspace and
the way through which we communicate and reach to the audience
from it is digital marketing. Internet is continuing to grow swiftly
and seamlessly across borders and into an online world already
inhabited by over three billion customers. Giving its scale and the
benefits it offers to these customers and businesses, which is a big
benefit for the future of all businesses. It also gives excellent
opportunities to enter and grow a business. This study shows how
digital marketing is widely used in marketing space which is more
targeted, interactive and measurable. It emphasizes Internet
marketing techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO),
search engine marketing (SEM), and link building. Not just limited
to intenet it has swollen to non-Internet channels that provide
digital media, such as short messaging service (SMS), multimedia
messaging service (MMS), call-back and on-hold mobile ring
tones, e–books, optical disks and games. The study explores the
different types of digital marketing techniques such as SEO, SEM,
SMM, PPC, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Content
Marketing. It also gives digital marketing tips for businesses.
Keywords: Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, PPC,
Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Content Marketing
1. Introduction
Marketing has been around forever and has always been for
generating demand and awareness. The traditional ways of
marketing has been newspaper ads, flyers, magazines,
posters & banners, events, door to door marketing, word of
mouth, radio ads, television ads etc. In this day and age with
the explosion of digital, there are lot more ways highly
effective and cheaper to reach the masses. Digital
Marketing, in simple terms, is the promotion of your
products, services or your brand via one or more forms of
digital or electronic media.
There is a proliferation of digital media and day by day we
see intuitive ways of marketing Some of these include
channels like email which is still extremely popular, web,
search marketing, mobile, social media and so on.
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing or Virtual marketing, refers to the
promotion of goods and services over internet which
happens to spread across everywhere these days. The digital
world acts as a medium to communicate what business has
to offer to its potential clients / customers. Digital marketing
in simple terms can be defined as “advertising using power
of internet”. It is also essential to be understood that Digital
marketing is neither secondary over traditional marketing;
nor its a complimentary service that can be used to increase
marketing efforts on other mediums. However, Digital
marketing is a way to promote a business over internet and
make it known to targeted & intended audience on defined
The digital marketing takes advantage of the digital medium
to create a unified, focused and measurable
communications methodology which can help companies
in getting their right audience. Using an integrated approach
to digital marketing provides a better response rate and
building iterative relationships. Digital strategy and
campaigns can push forward brands in the consciousness of
their audience and lead to a lasting adoption and loyalty
towards brands. Moreover, digital medium allows the
model to change from being a monologue to a dialogue for
audience. Digital marketing is done with the use of
electronic devices such as tablets, PCs, mobile phones and
games consoles to communicate with the customer.
Communication methods the Internet, apps, emails and
social networks.
There are two types of digital marketing:
a) Pull digital marketing
The individual seeks the marketing effort, tor example
through web searches or streaming media. The main focus
is to pull viewers in and turn them into customers.
b) Push digital marketing
The individual is sent the marketing message directly, for
example by seeing an online advert on another website or
being sent an email text message without requesting it. The
main focus is to advertise the organisatioin to as many
people as possible and turn a reasonable percentage of
recipients into customers.
However, consumer perception is the most important factor
for all business entities since it helps in developing their
brand awareness and perception. Thus, both for online and
offline marketing it is essential for management to
understand consumer perception more effectively and
efficiently. Hence the last stage of the inbound marketing
cycle often gets the least attention. Delighting existing
customers and boosting their loyalty to turn them into brand
evangelists is almost an afterthought in customer
relationship management. Most of the marketing's attention
often goes to attracting prospects and converting and
nurturing qualified sales leads. Thus before purchasing or
experiencing products and services, customers have a
tendency to develop certain perception. Perception usually
changes from customer to customer, product and service
quality as well. Hence, from business or marketing point of
view, it is essential for them to track down the customer
behavior pattern and their perception and therefore need to
address with the same effectively and efficiently.
Social media sites Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other
help to target larger community and thus it becomes easy to
interact with the audiences more effectively. Amalgamating
all the digital marketing activities and developing customer
perception helps the organization to develop the consumer
awareness. Also, it helps in redefining brand awareness and
brand image.
Today, Website creation is easier than ever. And if you go
online, it seems as if almost everyone has: more than a
billion websites occupy the internet today. But how many
of those billion-plus websites actually make money
directly? A small minority. For instance, Forbes reports that
there are only 102,728 e-commerce retailers in the U.S.
generating sales of $12,000 a year or more each—a tiny
fraction of the total online retail sites. As for non ecommerce
websites, an astounding number of these
marketers don't even know how much or whether their site
is contributing to the bottom line. A main reason why lots
of sites just sit there on a server rather than making money
is that most businesses have not figured out how to
monetize the web, meaning use their site to make more
Having even a small slice of the online-sales pie can make
you rich beyond the dreams of avarice. According to
eMarketer Daily (12.6.2017), 3.47 billion people use the
internet regularly. What's more, CBRE Retail says that total
e-cornmerce sales in 2017 exceeded $453 billion. up 14.4
percent over the previous year.
The revenues created by websites of conventional brickand-
mortar businesses—which specially use the web
mainly for branding, conveying product information, and
lead generation—are more difficult to measure.
The first step in making more money from your websites is
not to just have a bunch of pages with content but to build
your websites using one of several online business models
proven to generate web revenue.
Moreover, being the first step, picking the right e-commerce
business model is the most important step in making more
money from your websites for two reasons: first, without
the right model, you may get plenty of traffic, clicks,
impressions, page views, downloads, and even opt-ins. But
you won't make lots of money if any at all. Second, once
you build a site and program it, changing to a different
model is extremely difficult, costly, and time-consuming.
So if you can, choose the right model first, and then build
the site. Definitely for your existing sites, you will have to
retool them to follow a proven business model.
2. Techniques Used for Digital Marketing
The two major pillars of digital marketing are online
marketing and offline marketing. Online marketing has
seven big categories of online marketing are Search engine
optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Payper-
click advertising (PPC), Affiliate marketing, Email
marketing, and Content marketing.
2.1 SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
SEM is has two extremely different elements Search engine
optimization (SEO), firmly it is about upgrading your
natural search engine rankings through tweaking your site.
Pay-per-click (PPC) programs on opposite side are based on
the ability to pay for placement. Even Google has divided
the two on its search results, with natural search results
appearing on the left side, and paid search results appearing
on the right.
But, there is a lot of confusion around paid inclusion and
when it should be used. Very often, paid inclusion is
confused with paid placement. There are very different
strategies. When you hear about paid inclusion, you may
well hear it called Pay for Inclusion (PFI) or Pay per
Inclusion (PPI). Those two terms have differences in
meaning. Pay for Inclusion is a strategy whereby you pay a
fee simply to be included in a search index. This fee doesn’t
guarantee your rank in the index it’s a simple flat fee that’s
usually paid annually. Pay per Inclusion is also a strategy in
which you pay a fee to be included in a search index, but
the fee that you pay in PPI is based on the number of clicks
you receive as a result of that inclusion such as PH, PPI still
guarantee your rank in the search engine. Your only
guarantee is that you will be included and that per-click fee
can often be comparatively more, in the range of $30 per
click. The service that guarantees your rank in a search
index is paid placement, which is also known Pay for
Placement (PFP).When you pay for placement, you are
guaranteed that your site will not only be listed, but that it
will place in a specific rank consistently as long as you’re
willing to pay the fee for that rank. There are some other
“pay-for- strategies that you might consider. Paid directory
review (PDP services will guarantee that a review for a
directory will take place in a guaranteed length of time
(usually much faster than it would otherwise), but again,
this is no guarantee of inclusion or placement. XML
inclusion is is a strategy to ensure that the dynamic content
on your site is included in search results. Because some sites
have constantly changing content, XML inclusion may be a
requirement for them. The different types of inclusion and
what your payments will buy you can be confusing.
2.1.1 SEO (Search-engine optimization)
Search-engine optimization (SEO), is the process of setting
up your web site so that it ranks well for particular keywords
within the organic search results of major search engines,
including Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Unlike paid search
marketing, which requires you to pay for every click sent to
your web site from a search engine, traffic sent to your site
from a search engine’s organic results is free.
In the early days of SEO, the process of gaining top ranking
for keywords was much easier than it is today. In those
“good old days,” search-engine algorithms were easy to
crack. All you had to do was include the keyword you
wanted to rank for in the title tag of your web page and
sprinkle that keyword throughout the content of your page,
and chances were you would rank within the top ten results
of your favorite search engine. Not surprisingly, over the
years search-engine algorithms have become increasingly
complex, which has resulted in web site owners either
outsourcing SEO to professional firms.
Google and Yahoo became popular from long before,
search engines such as AltaVista and InfoSeek were
pioneers at providing search results to users within a
fraction or a second. Search results in the early days were
nowhere near as relevant as they are today. However,
search-engine users in the millions began relying on Web
Sites like AltaVista more and more frequently to retrieve
information about everything from health abnormalities to
pricing on the latest gadget. Search-engine optimization
found its Start in 1997 through public reports and
commentary provided by search-engine experts, including
Danny Sullivan and Bruce Clay, among others. Early
reports about SEO looked at search-engine algorithms and
how the various search engines ranked search results.
Inspired entrepreneurs and Web site owners began studying
these reports and testing strategies for how they could rank
well within the search results. Before long the profession of
search-engine optimization emerged and individuals were
offering services to help rank Web sites on major search
engines. As the World Wide Web grew at a remarkable pace
the popularity of AltaVista and Infoseek started to wane.
Other search engines came and went, but no company has
had more of an impact on search-engine marketing than
2.1.2 PPC (Pay-per-Click)
Pay-per-Click (PPC) is part of every web business’s life. It
is linked with the way that online marketing is progressing,
and over the past decade it has replaced in revenue the
banner advertising that had taken the Internet by storm
during the 90ies. PRC is part of everybody’s life. We
advertise with PPC, we buy with PPC, we learn with PPC.
Marketing in the 21st century is a hard science. Marketers
today have the opportunity to use high level mathematics,
statistics, various methods of data analysis and sociology to
understand their data, extrapolate for the near future and
plan for the near and remote future either by reversing a
trend or by adding to it. Unfortunately, very few marketers
and business owners follow all the possibilities that PPC
offers. It is quite common to see online businesses that
collect gigabytes of data every day that just represent to
them the number of visitors that their website gets and
nothing more. Log files 'encrypt' an enormous amount of
information that is, unfortunately, in most cases left 'hiding'
in the noise. Pay-per-click advertising is remarkable in the
fact that it allows for the easiest possible tracking of Is
results in ways that even a rather novice marketer can
follow, so that she can understand the progress of her
current PPC campaigns, correct the ones that seem to be
going badly and improve the ones that are already giving
excellent results. And this is just a matter of following
methodically a certain number of steps.
2.2 SMM (Social Media Marketing)
What Is Social Media Marketing?
Social media is best defined in the context of the previous
industrial media paradigm. Traditional media, such as
television, news-papers, radio, and are one-way, static
broadcast technologies. For instance, the magazinepublisher is a large organization that distributes expensive
content to consumers, while advertisers pay for the privilege
of inserting their ads into that content or you’re sitting
down, watching your favorite sitcom, and suddenly you’re
interrupted by commercials (luckily, you have a DVR, so
you can fast-forward through them). If you disagree with
something you reading the newspaper, you can't send the
editorial staff instant feedback.
Latest web technologies have made it simple for everyone
to create and, most importantly distribute their own content.
A blog post, tweet, or YouTube video can be produced and
viewed by millions virtually for free. Advertisers don’t have
to pay publishers or distributors huge sums of money to
embed their messages; now they can make their own
interesting content that viewers will flock to. Social media
comes in many forms such as blogs, microblogs (Twitter),
social networks (Facebook, Linked n), media-sharing sites
(YouTube, Flickr), social bookmarking and voting Sites
(Digg, Reddit), review sites (Yelp), forums, and virtua
worlds (Second Life).
2.3 Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is use to increase sales, generate
revenue, and use the power of the Internet to increase your
customer base exponentially. When you think about
affiliate marketing, there are two main ideas you need to
understand. Your perspective on these ideas will drive how
you deploy affiliate marketing for your Web site or
business. Affiliate marketing is simply defined as: A Webbased
marketing practice, often using automated systems or
specialized software in which a business rewards their
affiliate for each visitor, customer, or sale which is broughtabout as a result of the affiliates marketing efforts. In most
cases, the reward is monetary in the form of a monthly
commission check. Most well-designed affiliate programs
are easy to implement, require little or no setup, are free,
and can instantly generate a new source of revenue for you.
Essentially, you have two affiliate marketing options.
Host an affiliate program on your Web site so others can
1. join your affiliate network and sell your products on their
Web sites. They will earn a commission for each sale, and
you will sell more products through them. This is the
ultimate solution for those who have products to sell —
imagine your products advertised for free on thousands of
Web sites across the world.
2.Join an affiliate network and sell other products on your
Web site for which you will earn a commission on each sale.
You do nothing and pay nothing. The setup is simple — all
you do is keep the content updated with what you want to
advertise on your Web site, and cash the monthly
commission check.
2.4 Email Marketing
It is generally one message sent to one person, or one
message sent to small group of people. E-mail marketing,
when designed and implemented correctly, can be one of
your most effective advertising, marketing, and sales tools
as shown in the image 4. It can also be one of your most
cost-efficient means of disseminating large amounts of
information, promotional materials, advertisements, special
offers, coupons, new product announcements, and relevantnews to a large audience for ow costs when compared to
traditional print media advertising and marketing
campaigns. Nowadays, everyone has e-mail, and most
access e-mail daily at both work and home. E-mail
marketing allows you to distribute information instantly and
globally, While providing detailed tracking and reporting
not possible with other forms of advertising and marketing.
e-mail marketing can help you to achieve the goal and
increase your global Web site visibility in search engines.
As you know, having high search engine rankings is a
combination of many factors, starting with overall Web site
design and crowning with an effective Web site marketing
strategy. This strategy increases your potential for high2.5 Content Marketing
the marketing and business process for
creating and distributing valuable and compelling content
to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and
understood target audience with the objective of driving
profitable customer action is Content marketing. Content
marketing strategy can leverage all story channels (print,
online, in-person, mobile, social, and so on); be employed
at any and all stages of the buying process, from attentionoriented
strategies to retention and loyalty strategies; and
include multiple buying groups.
Content marketing aids in brand recognition, trust,
authority, credibility, loyalty, and authenticity. Content
marketing can help accomplish these tasks for a variety of
constituencies, and on several levels: for the organization it
represents, for a company’s products and services, and for
the employees who represent the business or service.
Content marketing creates value and helps people. It
answers questions and provides foundational information.
It makes customers and clients more educated and
informed, so that they feel they can make purchase
decisions, or, in organizations, to recommend purchases to
colleagues or superiors. It's used by marketers large and
small and by those selling business-to-business (B2B) and
business-to-consumer (B2C). Some are using content to
augment traditional advertising campaigns.
Others are leveraging content to completely replace more
traditional forms of advertising and marketing. Content can
spark customer engagement at all stages of the buying
cycle, including helping to establish an ongoing relationship
when a prospect becomes a customer. Content can reinforce
an existing relationship, inspire upselling, cross-selling,
renewals, upgrades, and referrals.
ROI= (Gain from investment — cost of investment) /
Cost of investment
Here You calculate return on investment by subtracting the
amount of money spent on a project from the amount of
money made on a project, then dividing that number by the
amount of money spent on the project. If the result is a
percentage more than 100 percent, you have positive
3. Findings and Conclusions
Digital Marketing is the most cost-effective tool of
marketing. It lets us to market the desire product or service
to desired customers at desire location at desired amount. It
helps us in sustainability by saving the paper and other
resources, speed up the marketing trend and can reach to the
individuals at remote locations. By getting involved with
social networking and managing it carefully, you can build
customer trust and create a reputation for being easy to
engage with, also by giving exclusive offers to your
customers, you are rewarding and reminding them that
you’re not only the brand to engage with but also to buy
from. By taking advantages of such strategies can help you
to make your marketing more effective. Also, you can
attract new customers and build healthy relationship by
using content marketing. We can say the digital marketing
is on the whole positive development for businesses and that
despite certain dangers its impact upon business has been
largely positive.
4. References
[1] The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Digital
Marketing: The next big technological break By Maria
[2] Digital Marketing By Sudhir Sreedharan
[3] Digital Marketing For Dummies By Ryan Deiss, Russ
[4] Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies
for Engaging the Digital Generation By Damian Rya
[5] Digital Marketing Excellence: Planning, Optimizing
and Integrating Online Marketing By Dave Chaffey, PR
[4] The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing: Pay
Per Click Advertising Secrets Revealed By Bruce C. Brown
[5] The Social Media Marketing Book By Dan Zarrella
[6] Search Engine Marketing, Inc.: Driving Search Traffic
to Your Company's Website By Mike Moran, Bill Hunt
[7] Pay-per-click: The Complete Guide By Basileios
[8] The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing
on the Web: How to Use It and Profit from Affiliate
Marketing Programs By Bruce C. Brown
[9] The Rebel's Guide to Email Marketing: Grow Your List,
Break the Rules, and Win By DJ Waldow, Jason Falls
[10] Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to
Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media By
Rebecca Lieb
[11] Search Engine Optimization by Kristopher B. Jones
[14] CIMA - E1 Organisational Management By BPP
Learning Media
[15] Digital Marketing: for BeginnersBy Saurabh Darshane
[16] The Complete Guide to E-mail Marketing: How to
Create Successful, Spam-free Campaigns to Reach Your
Target Audience and Increase Sales, Volume 978, Issues
1-60045 By Bruce C. Brown
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